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September Activities


Join us for Texas Hold Em’ Poker - Beginners are welcome. We will be using nickels to gamble with so don’t forget to bring in your nickels or bring in a couple dollars and we can give you change. The format is Sit & Go so participants can join and leave when needed. Max bet for a hand is 25 cents and we will be playing with one blind which will stay at 1 nickel. No need to RSVP!
Poker starts Thursday September 1st @ 12:30 pm.

  • Movement Member Cards– Discount for 10 fitness classes for only $30. Save $2 per class!


Our movie series has been going GREAT! For September, we're going back to the late 1950's/ early 1960's.  So grab a seat and some popcorn, and enjoy the show on our giant television after lunch on Mondays! Movies start at 12:30 pm.

  • 9/5– NO MOVIE

  • 9/12– Grease (1978)

  • 9/19– American Graffiti (1973)

  • 9/26– When Peggy Sue Got Married (1986)

We will be taking suggestions for future movies to show. Feel free to give them to Michael when you stop in.

Our popular series of Computer Classes taught by Brendan from the Buffalo Public Library continues on Thursdays at 1 pm. Come for lunch, stay for class!

The schedule of computer classes will be:

  • 9/1 Microsoft Word
  • 9/8 iPads & iPhones
  • 9/15 Computer Basics
  • 9/22 Computer Maintenance
  • 9/29 Internet Basics

All courses are free of charge. You must register in advance of the class. Call Kim at 822-4532 x0 or email kim@southbuffalo.org


Registration is now open for our September & October trips.

  • Wednesday September 14thBuffalo Double Decker Bus Returns! Due to popular demand, the
    double decker bus is back for everyone that missed it the first time. Lunch will be served at the Center at 11:30 am with a 12:30 pm departure from the Center for a 2-hour tour. Limited seats still available!
  • Wednesday September 28thBuffalo Science Museum! Come explore a Buffalo classic with a
    guided tour of PanAm Artifacts and Arctic Dinosaurs. Lunch will be served at the Center at 11:00 am with an 11:30am departure from the Center for a Noon arrival. The tour will last 2 hours, and return afterwards.
  • Friday October 14thWhitworth Ferguson Planetarium @ Buff State College! Be wowed by a
    spectacular celestial light display and listen to the amazing voices of young singing students. Lunch will be served at the Center at 11:00 am with an 11:30am departure from the Center for a Noon arrival. The show will last 2 hours, and return afterwards.
  • Wednesday October 26thForest Lawn Cemetery! Just in time for Halloween, take a tour of one of the best cemeteries in the United States. Lunch will be served at the Center at 11:00 am with a 11:30am
    departure from the Center for a Noon arrival. The tour will last 2 hours, and return afterwards.
  • Stay tuned for announcements for November & December! You won’t be disappointed!

The cost per trip will be $10, that includes lunch at the Center and admission ticket & tour. Payment must be received to reserve your spot on the tour. Cash, check, & credit card accepted.
Reservations must be made with Kim at the reception desk. Call Kim at 822-4532 x 0 or email kim@southbuffalo.org

This program is made possible with funds from the Statewide Community Regrant program, a regrant program of the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the Office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature and administered by Arts Services Inc.


We are offering FREE blood pressure screening every month at Tosh Collins. Director Michael’s mom, Marcy Weidrich RN (retired) will be in Friday September 30 from 9:30 AM AM to 11:30 AM to check your blood pressure. We will schedule her at least once a month to stop in. If you are interested in getting your BP checked, call Kim 822-4532 x0 or email kim@southbuffalo.org


The South Buffalo Community Association is proud to partner with the Pride Center of Western New York to bring a great new monthly event to the Tosh Collins Center.

The Silver Pride Project

The Silver Pride Project is a Pride Center initiative that’s all about creating better conversations and improved social engagement with our older members of the LGBTQ+ community. By understanding people’s experiences we can facilitate greater social connectivity, improve social inclusion and evolve services to meet the needs of our LGBTQ+ elders.

LGBTQ+ Seniors Coffee Hour

Also known as the Silver Pride Coffee Hour, is an opportunity for LGBTQ+ seniors to come together and enjoy a morning of refreshments and conversation. Tosh Collins will begin hosting this monthly event on Friday August 12th from 10am-Noon and will meet the 2nd Friday of every month.
Contact Michael Weidrich for more information at 822-4532 x101 or email michael @ southbuffalo.org

UFO & Paranormal Meetup of WNY
Saturday 9/17   11 AM - 1:30 PM
Sept topic-  Signs and portents: communications from the dead and the UFO connection. 
For more info: Cintemple@ymail.com
or call 716-406-7596



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